Chalk Art News |
Editor David LeGrand January 2010
Kick off the New Year with excitement!
Meet the Kistler Family . . .

Kerry and Jil Kistler are Captains with the Salvation Army, and assigned as Territorial Evangelists for the 11 state Central Territory. The Kistler Family ministry team also includes two of their children, Jeremy, and Christy. Together, this family combines a variety of theatrical performance skills including illusion, chalk art, ventriloquism, clowning, comedy, and more. They have traveled throughout the northeast and mid-west sharing family-friendly evangelistic programs with thousands of people in a wide variety of group settings since 1996.
Kerry worked for two decades as a commercial artist after he graduated from Indiana University. He holds his permanent teacher's certification in Vocational Commercial Arts and taught for 11 years in a New York state prison.
As a former teacher, pastor, and longtime member of the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, Kerry brings an inspiring Biblical challenge as well as an entertainment quality to these family programs. His unique skill as an illusionist and chalk artist combines several different communications techniques such as comedy, colorful speed drawing, music, dramatized stories and theatrical special effects.
Jil is a graduate of Taylor University with a degree in Business & Systems. Her performance skills include ventriloquism, clowning and piano. In addition to her on-the-road ministry duties, Jil also home schools their children.
Go to to learn much more.Kerry shares the following drawings:

The drawing is called The Drawbridge and is my version of the old classic "spanning the gulf with a cross" idea. One shot shows the drawing with red lights and actual fire near the bottom which burns in sync with a sobering moment during my soundtrack when the door to hell shuts behind an unrepentant sinner. The second version shows the drawing under black light.

This drawing is called Tightwire Falls and ties in with our current series of programs. The basic theme is based on Hebrews 12:2 which speaks of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus he will help us keep our spiritual balance. But, if we should slip and fall, his hand of mercy and grace is there to catch us and put us back on that "Tightwire of Life" (blacklight image).

This drawing is called "Summer Sunset" and is used in a program which reminds us that Jesus wants to work on us so we will continue to become more Christlike every day. This happens by putting Jesus first in our lives and keeping him at the top of our priorities - hence the cross at the top of the mountain - an idea I first saw Gary Means use. This is about as simple as hidden drawings get - no pre-program work at all. You actually draw the cross with fluoro white over the regular white of the mountain snow. 
Kerry and Jil
Let the Love of Jesus shine through you!
This drawing is called "The Bridge". The message has to do with how Jesus is always waiting for the lost with open arms of love. The bridge is symbolic of that place where we can cross over from death to life - Jesus will not force us to cross over that bridge to salvation but will welcome "whosoever will." This drawing will work in daylight conditions by drawing the figure of Jesus as part of the presentation. But in a dark venue, a hidden drawing can easily be done. Shown is a close up of the image I prepare using a simple stencil. Takes about 5 minutes to do. Hidden drawings do not have to be full of elaborate shading to be effective with an audience.

This is called The Narrow Path to Heaven. I use a stencil to prepare the hidden drawing - takes about 15 minutes.
Want to hear Kerry interview some of the "Movers and Shakers" in chalk art today?
Go to Chalked & Amazed!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Kerry has dug up a gold mine!
For years you wished you could find some of those Chalk Art books of
yesteryear by the great artists of the past. NOW YOU CAN!
Thanks to his diligent research, Kerry has them all in one place
for you on one website.
Go to Golden Chalk Classics right now
and dig away in Kerry's

Thank you Kerry Kistler for
your love and devotion to Christ and
diligent service to all us chalk artists.