Chalk Art Training Center
in Winston-Salem, North Carolina

The Alpha Arts Chalk Art training center is centrally located in beautiful
Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It is state-of-the-art, truely a chalk artist’s dream
come true. Some of the most experienced Chalk Art Teachers have been hosted
here in the last several years including Matthew Bowman, Ding Teuling, David Teuling,
Peggy Esher, Esther Frye, Ray Dombeck, Wanda Cumings Vincent and others.
Fourteen easels are mounted on the walls, most of which can be lowered for short
artists. All have both black lights and white lights. A venelation system (seperate from
the heat/ac system) helps remove chalk dust from the air. Sprinklers at the base of
the walls flush the chalk dust into the drain grate through the center of the studio.
All the chalk colors are clearly labeled on the “Chalk Wagon”. All needed supplies
are available for purchase including chalk, paper, sanding blocks, erasers, dust
masks, hair spray to spray finished pictures, pencils, rubber bands, books, DVDs,
projectors, and projrctor stands.
Lunch is served in the fully equipped kitchen/dining area which
includes a conveyor pizza oven and mixer for in-house pizza.
Transportation is available to and from the Greensboro, NC (GSO) airport.
Within a mile or two of the studio are many restaurants of every description.
Located within a few miles are malls, Wal-Marts, drug stores, golf courses, historic
Old Salem, and about anything else you could need.